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How Thorne Compounded Sales Growth for 3 Consecutive Years During Double 11

As a trade partner in South East Asia, with a deep expertise in China, Pattern has a track record of success for its brands during some of the most critical ecommerce sales opportunities. One such moment is Tmall’s Double 11 event, hosted in November each year, and key for most brands to achieve annual revenue goals. Pattern’s year over year achievements for Thorne during Double 11 (from 2019-22) demonstrates Pattern’s competency and expertise in the China market.Download the full case study.

It Starts with Preparation

Throughout the year, Pattern makes sure Thorne achieves the specific sales targets, DST score standards, and Tmall criteria (no violations or penalties, and high credit rating), to be included in Double 11.As the event draws near, prior to the pre-warm up stage, Pattern develops strategic advertising campaigns for Thorne that evolve during each Double 11 promotional window so Thorne’s traffic reaches and stays at exceptionally high levels leading into the actual day. In addition, Pattern takes the best practices and insights from previous Double 11 promotions to build the most effective advertising and data-optimized campaigns.For instance, in 2019-20, Pattern promoted all its Thorne products on Tmall by bidding relevant keywords. After a few months of testing, Pattern leveraged its data-driven insights to instead focus on two specific Tier 1 products to promote with out of channel (KOLs for product education) and in channel (such as SEM and super recommendation).Then, during future campaigns, building on its robust data and constant marketplace monitoring, Pattern focused its efforts on 1-2 specific SKUs because promoting those products in and out of channel since previous promotions generated greater net GMV for Pattern than splitting up the budget between a variety of products across different tiers.

Pattern’s Advertising Excellence Delivers Traffic

Year over year, during Double 11, Thorne’s traffic increased at least 12%.Pattern’s team of experts in China were able to leverage Tmall best practices, insights, as well as product performance results (during and after Double 11) to drive a larger audience to Thorne. Pattern’s team re-engaged former customers via Tmall message and set up a WeChat group to provide exclusive discounts and in-depth product education to direct the audience to Tmall.In addition, Pattern’s insights team monitored marketing trends for the targeted consumer group, and started pre-warm up on the Top Tier/priority SKUs for the group. Pattern was also able to extend its reach using AI virtual live broadcasting (saving significant production budget) to manage platform traffic rewards and support.  Most recently, in 2022, Pattern published about 500 videos and 224 graphic and text videos to draft traffic to Thorne’s Tmall store.

Pattern Optimizes Listings for Conversion

Year over year, during Double 11, Thorne’s conversion rate increased between 5-7%.Pattern optimized Thorne’s product pages (copy, bullets, images), and, in 2022, added professional short videos and scientific product benefits. Using its custom technology and marketplace performance data, Pattern has guided Thorne to reimagine its product assortment:

  • Offer a combination of Tier 1 products
  • Execute Thorne’s premium pricing strategy for new and potential products
  • Expand the Double 11 promotion to three Tier 2 products

Data Drives Pattern’s Success

With three Double 11 events complete, Pattern leverages its data-driven insights and results to methodically expand their efforts to uniquely and successfully grow Thorne year over year.  What has happened:

  • In the course of our partnership, Thorne has increased the number of SKUs for Pattern by roughly 200%
  • Thorne expanded to SEA and JP with Pattern
  • Invited by CN to open an exclusive store that specifically listing women related products (Thorne女性健康海外专卖店)

Want to learn more about Pattern’s capabilities in China and South East Asia?  Contact us today.Download the full case study.