Amazon’s newest feature, Manage Your Experiments, enables sellers to run A/B tests on A+ content, and may even offer data insights into content strategy.
Amazon’s newest feature, dubbed “Manage Your Experiments” (MYE), now lets sellers run A/B tests on A+ content (formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content or EBC). This potentially game-changing offering seems to show that Amazon is starting to play nicer with brands about what data it divulges. According to a screenshot of the new update, “Experiments can help you statistically find the best A+ content for your listings, improve future content, and drive more sales.”
Manage Your Experiments seems to include an “Experiments Learning Center” with new features that help sellers maximize their use of MYE. A screenshot of the service included hints that the new MYE feature will also give training insights and tips to help sellers develop A+ content strategies backed by data.
(Screenshot by Yehudah Solomon of Overten Group)
Under “Interpreting Experiment Results,” the screenshot reads, “By analyzing your experiment results, you can build and publish content with more confidence, and develop a content strategy for your brand.”
This implies that MYE may help brands develop content strategies through Amazon’s data.
And under “Tips for Experiments” the screenshot read, “Once you’ve started with experiments, multiply your learnings and build an experimentation strategy with these tips for experiments.”
This seems to imply that Amazon will now be offering up tips to help sellers create successful A/B tests. News of this update first spread from a LinkedIn post and screenshot by Yehudah Solomon of Overten Group. It’s not entirely clear if this update will be a slow roll out or how Amazon will decide who will have access to MYE.
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