Labor Day Grilling Groceries Go Down in Price
Average Price of Labor Day Grilling Goods is Down 2% YoY
Those looking to host a Labor Day picnic complete with all the typical grilling goods will be relieved to learn that the price of an average basket of groceries has gone down by 2% since 2023. This, according to new data from ecommerce accelerator, Pattern.
Why it matters: With Labor Day fast approaching, many Americans are preparing to host parties to celebrate the end of the summer season and transition back to school. As inflation continued to drop during the summer, with the current average inflation rate sitting at 2.9%, this trend will make for a great final hurrah as Labor Day celebrants wave goodbye to the final days of summer.
What we’re seeing: We analyzed pricing data for the most commonly purchased food items on Amazon during every day of 2023 and 2024 so far to better understand what consumers can expect at checkout. Overall, the average price of the most popular Labor Day foods has dropped by 1%, with the following items seeing the most significant price decrease:
- The price of salsa decreased by 11% from 2023 – 2024
- Ranch -8%
- Beer -7%
- Cheese slices -6%
- Lettuce -6%
Yes, but: There are still some popular food items to avoid that have exceeded the current rate of inflation. These include:
- The price of mustard increased by 10% from 2023 – 2024
- Hot sauce +9%
- Lemonade +4%
- Ketchup +3%
- Pickles +3%
What about other picnic essentials? Beyond food items, other Labor Day party essentials — including paper plates, cups, and plastic utensils — have also seen a price decrease, with an average drop of 2% year over year. Here’s how the most popular picnic products fared in terms of pricing from 2023 – 2024:
- The price of meat thermometers decreased by 11% from 2023 – 2024
- Paper plates -7%
- Cups -7%
- Plastic utensils -6%
- Lighters -4%
Some items to watch: Despite the overall decrease in price, there are a few picnic products that failed to skirt the sting of inflation. Namely, the cost of coolers and grill brushes increased by 7% and 5%, respectively.
The takeaway: With inflation concerns winding down, Labor Day celebrants can look forward to fair pricing on all their picnicking essentials. While most items have seen significant price decreases year over year, there are a few groceries to watch, but some careful planning can help keep your total down at checkout.
Pattern’s data science team analyzed pricing and demand on Amazon to understand what Labor Day prices will look like for consumers this year. If you’re interested in using insights like these to drive your ecommerce strategy forward, reach out to our team online for more information.