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Pattern Brand Managers: Your Ecommerce Lifeline

What’s in a brand? A caffeinated soda by any other name may taste just as sweet as Coca-Cola (at a fraction of the cost), so why do the majority of cola drinkers still choose Coke as their beverage of choice? Simply put: Consumers are willing to spend more (like 140% more) when brands take the time to earn their trust.

Our brand management team agrees that the same principle holds in the eCommerce space, especially when competing with the Amazon brand. In fact, protecting your brand by cultivating that brand equity is what they’re here for, says Jared Mason, a Pattern Brand Management Director.

“Brand management is really just the process of making sure that your brand is consistent across the world and that people are seeing the message that you’re trying to convey, no matter where they look,” he said.

Brand management as a relationship

It’s no secret that we are partner obsessed. While other eCommerce companies may approach brand management with a “we know best” attitude, we approach it as a partnership, said Jeff Cedeno, a Director of Brand Management at Pattern.

“Our team ends up fully integrating into the brands themselves so we can work with a brand to understand their customers and their core values, and make sure that we are going through and delivering content that matches exactly what their customers are expecting.”

In fact, we take it one step further and call what we do relationship building, says Brooke Quaintance, a Director of Brand Management.

“We are helping to manage the relationships that the brand and product has with the consumer and how it relates to the purchase process,” she said. “We do this by analyzing; we do this by planning and strategically building brands in various marketplaces.”

brand manager Amazon

A brand manager tailored to you

Whether you’re selling on domestic marketplaces like Amazon or international marketplaces like Alibaba, our brand managers take responsibility for making sure that your brand message is consistent—and excellent—across the board.

“Our brand managers are trying to make sure that the right imagery is being used, the right message is being sent, and your products look perfect,” Mason said.

Pattern’s brand managers bring more than brand-policing to the table; we like to think of them as a personable, knowledgeable extension of your own team.

“Our brand managers really have to embrace and know a brand inside and out,” Cedeno said. “We go through and learn product lines, we learn core customer groups, and we learn values within those so that we can actually speak, as a company, to a brand’s exact motives.”

Want to see what else is possible on Amazon with Pattern's expertise? Contact us today.