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How Diva Cup Hit Record Sales with a Single Ad on Walmart

To say ecommerce is a big opportunity for brands is an understatement—the ecommerce industry is on pace to do $6 trillion in sales in 2024. So, where do you start? Brands are inundated with dozens of sales-driving opportunities on a variety of marketplaces, both domestic and international, making it tricky to navigate.

Additionally, there is no one-size-fits-all approach for marketplaces. Brands need a unique strategy of and robust knowledge for each, not to mention adequate bandwidth to support their products. In reality, expanding to marketplaces can quickly become overwhelming.

At Pattern, we understand how tricky ecommerce marketplaces can be and how your ecommerce resources are often overloaded. As an ecommerce accelerator, we partner with brands to provide expertise and resources across many areas of ecommerce, including creative and advertising, SEO optimization, and logistics & fulfillment for marketplaces.

We have the experience and technology to identify high-quality opportunities, and to help you capitalize on them for long-term profitability. Check out how we helped DivaCup become a Walmart best selling brand with one ad campaign.

DivaCup is Blocked from Walmart’s Campaign, New Year, New You

DivaCup, a menstrual product company challenging the period status quo, was selling on and wanted to drive more brand awareness and traffic on the marketplace. Simultaneously, Walmart was launching an online campaign that focused on health, wellness, and beauty products. Timed to the “Resolutions Season” between the year-end holidays and fresh-start of the new year, the New Year, New You campaign was a perfect fit for DivaCup.

The campaign was free for brands to join, and featured a rotating catalog with a maximum of 3 pages of products per category, giving selected brands better visibility. To participate, brands had to have high-demand, quality products with a 3-star or higher rating on Brands also had to pick participating products wisely, as each seller was limited to submit 100 items.

In gearing up for the campaign, Diva met most of the requirements—they were a wellness brand, had 4.5 stars, and provided high-quality products. But, the brand ran into issues getting certain products listed correctly on Walmart. Due to a miscommunication regarding intellectual property rights, the products that would benefit the most from the campaign had listing issues making them ineligible.

Pattern Gets DivaCup Featured in the New Year, New You Campaign

Luckily, Diva could rely on their existing ecommerce partner, Pattern, to overcome the previous missteps and prep for the campaign.

With help from Pattern’s experienced brand managers and Walmart experts, Diva created an account with Walmart’s Brand Portal and made Pattern their authorized Walmart seller. Pattern was then able to work with our Walmart account executive and Case Team to resolve the issue with getting products listed.  As their authorized seller, we launched Diva’s products on, created up-to-date image stacks, stocked up on the participating products, and placed two Diva products in the New Year, New You campaign.

DivaCup Sees 2000% Increase in Sales from New Year, New You Campaign

After Pattern helped Diva overcome the logistical and administrative hurdles of launching products and preparing for the campaign, the brand’s participation in the New Year, New You promotion massively increased their Walmart sales. In addition to the selected products’ sales more than tripling during the campaign, both products saw approximately 2000% growth in sales, month over month, after the campaign ended.

With Pattern’s help, DivaCup was able to join the New Year, New You promotion, build brand awareness, and drive consistent traffic to their listings.

How Pattern Helps You Take Advantage of Marketplace Opportunities

Expanding to new marketplaces takes time and expertise, and Pattern provides the experience, strategic and creative resources, and proprietary tools to help you grow profitability. Whether you want to take advantage of promotional campaigns or launch successfully on a new marketplace, Pattern can help you make the most of every opportunity.

Ready to explore marketplace opportunities? Contact Pattern today.