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Feetures Achieved 99% MAP Compliance with a Pattern Partnership

Welcome to our blog series called “Why Brands Work With Pattern.” Each week we discuss why the top brands in ecommerce turn to Pattern to drive global, profitable growth and control.

This week we are highlighting Feetures. Feetures is a sock brand that is engineered to have a custom-like fit that solves conventional sock problems practices that, with the help of Pattern, achieved revenue growth of 67% in their first year with Pattern. We love working with the team at Feetures to grow their brand on global ecommerce platforms.

See what we accomplished together below.

Why Feetures partnered with Pattern: Lack of brand control, lack of brand messaging

Before Feetures partnered with Pattern in 2017, numerous unauthorized sellers were flooding Amazon and disrupting prices.

Along with the unauthorized sellers, Feetures’ product content was not living up to the quality of their brand. It can be extremely expensive to optimize creative content across marketplaces, especially with limited bandwidth.

What Feetures and Pattern accomplished together

Feetures partnered with Pattern to gain back control of their ecommerce presence and create quality content on all ecommerce platforms to represent their brand. Together Feetures and Pattern built a strategy focused on the following pillars:

  1. Eliminating unauthorized sellers
  2. Expanding to new marketplaces
  3. Optimizing images and content on Amazon

Let’s chat about each of the pillars and discuss the outcomes we achieved working together with Feetures.

3 strategic pillars that helped Feetures grow

1. Eliminating unauthorized sellers

We worked with Feetures to identify unauthorized sellers who were threatening Feetures’ control on Amazon and disrupting their prices. This strategy was centered around using Pattern’s Predict software that helped Feetures uncover all of their current noncompliant sellers across Amazon.

The visibility that Pattern’s Predict omnichannel ecommerce software provided helped Feetures identify key contributors to their control problems including channel conflict, price erosion, and inconsistent product listings. After using Predict, Feetures was able to clean up their distribution network and remove unauthorized sellers causing channel conflict and price erosion.

Predict Pattern

Results of eliminating unauthorized sellers:

Because Feetures eliminated numerous unauthorized sellers, they were able to gain nearly complete control over their Amazon channel. Feetures’ compliance has reached 99% since partnering with Pattern. Since eliminating unauthorized sellers, Feetures’ product listings are uniform, providing a better customer experience.

“We decided to partner with Pattern because they are clearly experts in the channel. They use their technology to help monitor key metrics,” said Joe Gaither, Feetures Director of Marketing.

2. Expanding their reach with new marketplaces

After eliminating unauthorized sellers, Pattern and Feetures worked together to expand their reach by entering new marketplaces. Pattern experts helped Feetures get set up with a portfolio of product listings and a storefronts on Amazon CA and eBay.

Amazon and Ebay

Expanding to new marketplaces allowed Feetures to get in front of customers quickly and efficiently.

Results of expanding their reach:

Since launching on these new marketplaces, Feetures has expanded their reach and increased their overall ecommerce growth. Pattern’s ecommerce marketplace expertise helped Feetures explore new avenues of revenue on eBay and on Amazon CA.

3. Optimizing images and content on Amazon After gaining back control and expanding their reach, Feetures worked with Pattern to create product content that would match their high quality brand. Pattern’s creative team worked on curating quality images and videos (as seen below) that educated the viewer and eventually led to a huge increase in sales.

Optimizing Images and Content on Amazon

Feetures worked with Pattern

A key part of this strategy was making all of Feetures’ product listings and content consistent across the board. Eliminating unauthorized sellers helped with this initially but creating content that was on brand really unified all of the product listings. These creative assets were all focused around showcasing Feetures’ quality and expertise to educate the consumer on the unique benefits their brand brings to the sock market.

Results of optimized images:

Feetures revenue grew 67% in their first year with Pattern. Since then, Feetures has experienced year over year growth of 20%. “I trust Pattern implicity to make content that is on brand. I don't doubt their choice. Whenever they come to me with ideas, I'm always all thumbs up,” said Shelly Tackett, Art Director at Feetures.

One team—Feetures and Pattern

After developing an ecommerce strategy centered around these 3 pillars: eliminating unauthorized sellers, expanding to new marketplaces, and optimizing images and content on Amazon, Pattern has helped Feetures reach new customers and propel them toward a long future of profitable growth. Working together in an aligned fashion with Feetures’ team helped us achieve these results together. Partner obsession is in our DNA—we win when our partners win.

If you are facing similar ecommerce challenges, Pattern can help. Our global platform and services don’t cost you anything—that’s right, $0 out of your pocket. Schedule a demonstration of the Pattern platform and services here to learn more.