Pattern's ecommerce experts explore the differences between WFS (Walmart Fulfillment Services) and Amazon's FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon).
As ecommerce brands are increasingly selling on and Amazon, many sellers question what the differences are between Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) and Amazon’s Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) service. As a long-standing partner and key strategic seller on, Pattern has first-hand experience with both WFS and FBA. Let’s dive into the other differences and key points you need to know as an ecommerce seller.
Walmart WFSAmazon FBA
Free 2-day shipping to the continental U.S. with a minimum purchase price of $35, but no subscription fee.Free same day, 1-day, and 2-day shipping to Amazon prime subscribers (shipping options vary by region).4,700 Walmart stores and 20 fulfillment centers in US; 11,766 globally.110 fulfillment centers in North America; 175 globally.Can return items in anyWalmart store or by mail.Can return items in any Whole Foods, Kohl's, UPS Access Points, or by mail.Fulfills orders only for orders for multiple marketplaces (multi-channel fulfillment).Dedicated inventory pool for each seller.Inventory is commingled by default (but has the option for dedicated seller inventory pool).
Similar to FBA, Walmart Fulfillment Services gives sellers the ability to utilize Walmart’s storage and shipping capabilities to their advantage. Here are some other advantages of using WFS:
Read more about WFS capabilities here.
A long-time staple in the ecommerce market, Amazon FBA has the overall advantage of time and experience in merchant fulfillment on its side. Here are the advantages of Amazon’s FBA:
With an increasing number of online marketplace options, brands must have a strategic expansion plan as well as seller strategy for each. Amazon provides sellers access to increasingly loyal Prime shoppers, whereas provides for first-mover advantage, in a less crowded ecommerce experience. Want to learn more about ecommerce fulfillment options on various platforms like and Amazon? Contact Pattern.