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Athlon Optics Launch Beats Brand Goals in 3 Days

Athlon Optics sells scopes and other optical accessories like binoculars for anyone who may be hunting, shooting recreationally, or competing.  After achieving significant success on Amazon, the brand wanted to grow on Walmart. As a growing marketplace with huge growth forecasts, Athlon saw their competitors already staking claim on and saw opportunities for increasing their sales.

As a prestigious brand in its category, with loyal consumers, Athlon does so much with very few resources. With less than twenty employees in the entire company, managing everything from customer service to product development, their ecommerce team needed support to scale.  And, they needed a partner who had a relationship with and deep understanding of to accelerate their growth. Pattern is a one-stop shop for Athlon, providing the resources and expertise, so Athlon could also save budget and consolidate so many different aspects of their marketplace business.

Prepared for a Seamless Launch

When a brand decides to change their partnership model, sometimes these circumstances create a more hands on transition for the new 3P partner and may interfere with launch expectations.

But Athlon was the consummate partner and overly prepared to transition to Pattern– buttoned up, organized, and ready to take on’s list of launch needs. Athlon provided all the required assets on time and was very organized.  The images were shot, formatted, and categorized as rich content that Pattern ported over.  This process dramatically reduced wait times and lag times within the platform.  Plus, since the content was optimized for marketplaces, all images, copy, and listing information uploaded in the first pass.

Pattern’s Walmart Expertise Exceeds Expectations

Pattern’s experts across all aspects of the marketplace provided Athlon with a very clear outline of needs and expectations, which contributed to a seamless launch.  This process that Pattern manages has become a playbook for other brands on  The team’s mutual partnership and Pattern’s diligent follow up with and detailed attention to Walmart processes and logistics prevented Athlon from getting lost in the weeds.

Three Days is All it Takes

The successful, thorough, and quick transition to Pattern allowed the 3P Partner to execute one of the fastest ramp-up periods for any Pattern brand on Together we achieved success such as:

  • 'Best in class' turnaround–98% faster onboarding by Pattern than average Pattern brands on Walmart.
  • First sale within the first week of landing at Walmart.
    • Pattern supported an unprecedented turnaround for Athlon considering the ramp up usually needed to gain momentum and traction with reviews on Walmart.
  • Exceeded initial first month growth projection by 34%.

Athlon was so impressed by the ease and simplicity of its launch and execution on Walmart that the brand wants to grow our 3P relationship with other marketplaces.

Pattern Helps Brands Expand Marketplaces

Pattern has the 3P partner experience and deep expertise on Walmart and other global marketplaces to help a brand expand their footprint to maintain sales momentum and a competitive edge. Pattern, an ecommerce accelerator, takes on the responsibility of your stock and provides the expert resources needed to successfully launch and continue to grow your revenue on global marketplaces. Learn more about Pattern’s expertise and partnership on Walmart.  Contact us today.