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2022 Ecommerce Consumer Price Index - Amazon

Clothing, Shoes, & Jewelry

To understand and find pricing patterns in 2022, we analyzed the price of the most popular products in every category on Amazon during every day of the 2022 calendar year, including the clothing, shoes, & jewelry category. The result is a comprehensive look at how the prices of clothing, shoes, & jewelry vary over the course of a typical year following the pandemic.

Key Takeaways

  • Consumers interested in purchasing clothing, shoes & jewelry should plan to buy near the middle of Q1 and beginning of Q2, when prices are lowest on average.
  • February is the best month to purchase these products — the average price for the month is $45, compared to January, when the average price is $52.

How does the price of clothing, shoes, and jewelry on Amazon vary throughout the year?

  • Price spread: ↕ 43%
  • Most affordable day: Nov. 6
  • Least affordable day: Jan. 4
  • Most affordable quarter: Q1
  • Least affordable quarter: Q4

Which months are best for buying clothing, shoes, and jewelry on Amazon?

Although Q1 is a great time to purchase clothing, shoes, and jewelry on the marketplace, keep a look out for those back to school deals. Prices can decrease by over 3% at the beginning of the school year.

What are the top 5 days for buying clothing, shoes, and jewelry on Amazon?

Consumers hunting for clothing, shoes and jewelry online will have the best luck in February, which claims 3 of the 5 most affordable days.

  • No. 1: Nov. 6
  • No. 2: Feb. 17
  • No. 3: Feb. 9
  • No. 4: Mar. 23
  • No. 5: Feb. 16

What are the bottom 5 days for buying clothing, shoes and jewelry on Amazon?

Consumers should avoid purchasing clothing, shoes, and jewelry in January. Prices can increase up to 8% over the average

  • No. 1: Jan. 4
  • No. 2: Dec. 24
  • No. 3: Jan. 1
  • No. 4: Jan. 7
  • No. 5: Jan. 9

How does the price of clothing, shoes and jewelry change during holidays?

The best holiday to purchase clothing, shoes and jewelry on Amazon is Easter, when prices can decrease by over 10%. However, consumers should avoid major winter holidays including Christmas and New Years, when prices can increase by over 20%.

How is inflation impacting prices on Amazon so far in 2023?

Prices for clothing, shoes & jewelry products in 2023 increased drastically March, unlike last year when prices remained consistently less expensive.


Pattern analyzed the prices of more than 714,000 of the most popular products in every category in the U.S. Amazon marketplace for all 365 days of the 2022 calendar year. Products only qualified for the index if they were one of the three most popular products in their category during the year. Percent change in product price represents the variability of the price of each product each day of the year against its average price for that same year.