How Direct Shipping Positively Impacts Your Brand

Between the ever-changing regulations and never-ending supply-chain issues, your operations can quickly become a confusing mess. That’s why, depending on the products you sell, the size of your business, and the location of your customers, using direct shipping could be a good solution for your brand.

As a global ecommerce accelerator, Pattern knows how to turn your logistics into a strategic weapon. Using an efficient direct shipping system may be what your brand needs to recover lost revenue.

Find out how an efficient direct shipping system can maximize your company resources and benefit your brand.

What is Direct Shipping?

Direct shipping is a method of fulfillment in which products are sent directly from supplier to consumer, avoiding a physical store or warehouse. With direct shipping, ecommerce  brands (DTC) can sell products to customers without having to secure and maintain a physical store or sell wholesale to retailers (brick and mortar and marketplaces like Amazon).

Benefits of Direct Shipping

Switching to direct shipping can benefit your brand in multiple ways. Here are a few:

1. Stay Up-to-Date with New Regulations/Policies

The shipping regulations and policies are constantly changing. Keeping up with the new regulations is a full-time job that not even the best brand executives have time for. With direct shipping, all you have to do is make sure you’ve chosen a reliable supplier or 3P seller, like Pattern, who has the operational experts to keep up with new regulations, implement necessary changes, and pull the heavy load for you.

2. More Inventory Control

When you ship directly, you’ll have more control over your inventory, orders, and branding. You can avoid inventory stock-outs and customize packaging, branding, and the unboxing experience.

3. Save on Logistics Costs

With direct shipping, you’ll control how your products are handled, stored, and shipped. Ultimately, this can help you save money on supply chain expenses, as well as extra expenses that come with third-party distribution centers, including warehouse and logistical costs (personnel, rent, transportation, etc.).

4. Increased Opportunities to Expand

Switching to direct shipping means you may be able to avoid storing  inventory or managing shipments. You’ll be able to use larger and more efficient shippers and suppliers. With a smoother shipping process, your company will be able to focus efforts on how to reach a larger customer base and sell larger quantities of products, and have the infrastructure to expand both locally and globally.

Direct Shipping With Pattern

Making the switch to direct shipping could be the competitive advantage your brand needs. Overall, having more control over your costs and inventory will be beneficial to your brand in the long run.

Understanding and managing your logistics all on your own is possible, but with the wide-range of  other things brand executives have to do, having a reliable partner like Pattern has proven benefits for most brands. As a global ecommerce expert and 3P seller on major marketplaces, Pattern has the resources and data-driven insights to make sure a brand’s logistics are an efficient revenue driver.

Ready to switch to direct shipping? Contact us.